Beauty, Personal Trainer Charlotte
Healthy is sexy It’s a pretty well established standard across time and place that human beauty is underpinned by symmetry, clarity, and proportion. However, beyond that, the standards vary wildly from culture to culture. And culture is dependent upon both place and...
Beauty, Personal Trainer Charlotte
Beginning the grueling process of forging gains I started the long process of forging gains through progressive overload in 1994 at age 18. In the fall of 2018 I was watching a series on Netflix about the Celts, and how they weren’t at all the barbarians described to...
Beauty, Body Composition, Personal Trainer Charlotte
Ripped Abs and Beauty There’ve been many signifiers of fitness and beauty over the years. You can see this by looking at art from around the world and the way people are portrayed in photographs, paintings and sculptures throughout history. Some cultures value more...
Beauty, Personal Trainer Charlotte
How does Dysmorphic Disorder affect me? Last night I was going through old selfies to measure my fitness progress. And some of those selfies were really, really truly fantastic. But with Dysmorphic Disorder, you really can’t see that about yourself. So I’m...
8-Week Fitness Challenge, Beauty, Body Composition, Personal Trainer Charlotte, Wellness
My 8-Week Birthday Photo Shoot Challenge I’m about to turn 42 years old, and I want to keep pushing myself to make fitness gains. It isn’t enough to maintain: For as long as you can grow, you should. To keep myself going, and to show how good my program...
8-Week Fitness Challenge, Beauty, Body Composition, Personal Trainer Charlotte, Wellness
My 8-Week Birthday Photo Shoot Challenge I’m about to turn 42 years old, and I want to keep pushing myself to make fitness gains. It isn’t enough to maintain: For as long as you can grow, you should. To keep myself going, and to show how good my program...