Holistic Health, Personal Trainer Charlotte
Essential oils are the super concentrated extractions of plants. They might come from the leaves, stems, flowers or seeds. Different plants give different amounts of oil, so expect authentic oils to cover a broad price range. It takes one ton of rose petals to produce...
Holistic Health, Love, Personal Trainer Charlotte, Wellness
The 8 Modalities of Wellness The physicians at www.heart.org and I observe that people who work out regularly have a higher standard of living. You can see the obvious results in the body, but the improvements do not stop there. People who exercise tend to be more...
Holistic Health, Personal Trainer Charlotte, Wellness
Options for holistic living Holistic treatments come from natural substances, and they tend to focus on the body’s ability to heal itself. Holistic care is commonly a tradition that spans hundreds or thousands of years. It contains a deep wisdom born of the...
Holistic Health, Personal Trainer Charlotte
Act 1: Germs enter (Stage Left) Since the discovery of microscopic organisms in 1676 by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, people have had an antagonistic relationship with germs. At first people scoffed at their very existence. Soon it became clear that these tiny creatures...