Act 1: Germs enter (Stage Left)
Since the discovery of microscopic organisms in 1676 by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, people have had an antagonistic relationship with germs. At first people scoffed at their very existence. Soon it became clear that these tiny creatures were the source of all sorts of ailments.
Not long after this, a new attitude toward bathing, cleanliness and sanitation formed, and gradually doctors began to understand the need for antiseptic conditions during medical procedures. More recently, the phenomenon of mysophobia (the pathological fear of contagion or infection) has pushed the industrial use of antibiotics to catastrophic levels.
Act 2: Superbugs enter (Stage Right)
Because antibiotic usage is so common for both people and animals, many germs have evolved to be tolerant to medicine. Penicillin, once a wonder drug, is now far less effective. New drugs are becoming less useful as well. Scientists contain some strains of infections, but they then return in much more virulent forms. Constant hand sanitizing is one of the causes.
New research shows that we need a wide variety of microbes in and on our bodies. C-Section babies have a history of being more prone to sickness. They are more likely to develop food intolerances, allergies, and many other metabolic and immune disorders. In a recent experiment, doctors immediately swabbed some of these babies with cloths saturated with the mother’s birth fluids. When compared to C-section babies without the swabs, the treated infants showed a bioflora colonization remarkably similar to vaginal births. It will take time to evaluate whether or not this treatment leads to actual long-term health improvements, but thus far, the infants who are colonized with their mother’s flora are seeing far fewer health complications.
We need bioflora in our digestive tract as well. “Good bacteria” helps us digest our food. They also grab up extra sugar in our guts, thus depriving “bad bacteria” from gaining a foothold. Your friendly cooties actually starve out the harmful cooties! Have you noticed how bad you feel after taking antibiotics? It’s because these medicines act like carpet bombing and wipe out your bioflora in general. Virulent species begin to thrive, because your helpful germs are no longer competing with them. Be sure to eat yogurt or some other type of fermented food after taking antibiotics. These foods replenish your healthy GI tract colonies.
Epilogue: Unresolved situations enter (Stage the gratuitous sequel)
There are also studies that demonstrate that germs teach our bodies how to differentiate between benign and malignant microbes. You can reduce allergic reactions and many other common health problems by being more judicious about how many of your cooties you summarily out. Wash your hands with soap and water, but avoid using sanitizer more than is actually necessary. Ask your doctor if antibiotics are truly effective when you don’t feel well, and if they are necessary be certain to take all of your medicine. People who do not finish their antibiotics properly also contribute to the evolution of superbugs.
And one final point: Antibiotics run rampant in our food. Shippers cram animals into close quarters. They give each other illnesses that spread like wildfire, and then need even more medicine. I highly suggest that you consume animal products from creatures who roam free without poor food and too many medicines. Remember that you are ingesting everything the animal did. Your body super-concentrates what you consume, so you risk creating more superbugs. Support suppliers who avoid using drugs on their animals and who allow them to live happier lives. Your health will be so much better!